Linux compile
Bonjour à tous,
Voilà vous êtes mon dernier recours, après 3 jours de documentation sur les bases sur Linux j'ai décidé de suivre un tutoriel afin de crée mon serveur MaNGOS.
Tout se déroule bien jusqu'à la compilation du serveur, j'ai bien crée un dossier Build dans lequel je fais ma commande "make && make install" sa me met
Citation :make*** Pas de cibles spécifiées et aucun makefile n'a été trouvé. Arrêt.
Là seul étape que j'ai zappé du tutoriel c'est
Citation :../configure --prefix=/root/server
qui ne marche pas, j'ai essayais par tout les moyens pour qu'elle soit prise par Débian 6. (dossier de destination une fois le core compilé)
Avez-vous une solution à ce problème ? Comment bien configurer le Build pour qu'il compile ?
PS : Linux (Débian) v6 32bits
Merci pour vos réponses et désolé je début mais je cherche par tout les moyens mais il n'y pas vraiment d'explication sur le fonctionnement d'un serveur sous linux (wow)
Cordialement Hïppy
On ne compile jamais un serveur en root en attendant ... d'une part, c'est nimporte quoi.

D'autre part ta commande configure est un peu "light" je trouve... ils sont où les autres paramètres ? Tua s LU la doc de compil Mangos jusqu'au bout avant de poster ici ?

De plus, aux vues de la sortie de ta console tu n'a pas configuré ta connection SSh pour une traduction de l'encodage en UTF8 ...
(19-05-2011 19:52)HÏppy a écrit :  Là seul étape que j'ai zappé du tutoriel c'est
Citation :../configure --prefix=/root/server
Ben c'est justement celle la qu'il ne faut pas rater.

Le ../configure (avec les 2 points devant le /) c'est normal ?
essaye avec un seul point ( ./configure) en te trouvant dans le rep concerné.
ca doit etre a peu près pareil que poru Trinity j epense suffit de lire ça:

Building the server itself
Getting the sourcecode

cd ~/
git clone git://

A directory trinitycore will be created automatically and all the source files will be stored in there.
Compiling the sourcecode
Creating the build-directory

To avoid issues with updates and colliding sourcebuilds, we create a specific build-directory, so we avoid any possible issues due to that (if any might occur)

mkdir build
cd build

Configuring for compiling

To configure the core, we use space-separated parameters attached to the configuration-tool (cmake) - do read the entire section before even starting on the configuration-part.
This is for your own good, and you HAVE been warned. A full example will also be shown underneath the explanations.

cmake ../TrinityCore/ [additional parameters]

Parameter explanations

-DACE_LIBRARY=<path to ACE library> (full path to your file INCLUDING the filename - do not use if you have ACE installed systemwide)
-DACE_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to ACE includes/headers> (path to the libACE include directory - do not use if you have ACE installed systemwide)
-DOPENSSL_LIBRARIES=<path to OpenSSL library> (path to your OpenSSL library - do not use if you have OpenSSL installed systemwide)
-DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to OpenSSL includes> (path to your OpenSSL includes directory - do not use if you have OpenSSL installed systemwide)

-DSERVERS Build worldserver and authserver
-DSCRIPTS Build core with scripts included
-DTOOLS Build map/vmap extraction/assembler tools
-DUSE_SCRIPTPCH Use precompiled headers when compiling scripts
-DUSE_COREPCH Use precompiled headers when compiling servers
-DUSE_SFMT Use SFMT as random numbergenerator
-DWITH_WARNINGS Show all warnings during compile
-DWITH_COREDEBUG Include additional debug-code in core
-DWITH_SQL Copy SQL files during installation
-DPREFIX Set installation directory
-DCONF_DIR Set configuration directory
-DLIBSDIR Set library directory
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS Set C_FLAGS for compile (advanced users only)
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS Set CXX_FLAGS for compile (advanced users only)

Note : * means "used by default", and does not need to be set.

The above parameters when combined into a full example :

cmake ../TrinityCore/ -DPREFIX=/home/<username>/server -DWITH_SQL=1

The above build the servers, set installation base directory to /home/<username>/server and install the SQL-files into the server-directory under the /home/<username>/server/shared/trinity/sql/ directory.
Note that you WILL have to configure the server well if you ever want to use the RA-access functionality.
Building the core

After configuring and checking that everything is in order (read cmakes output), you can build Trinity (this will take some time unless you are on a rather fast machine)

make install

If you have multiple CPU cores, you can enable the use of those during compile :

make -j <number of cores>
make install

After compiling and installing, you will find your core binaries in /home/<username>/server/bin, and the standard configuration files in the /home/<username>/server/etc folder.
(As usual, replace <username> with the username you created earlier). Now you can continue reading on and learn how how to update the sourcetree.
Keeping the code up to date

TrinityCore developers are always at work fixing and adding new features to the core. You can always check them here. To update the core files, do the following :

cd ~/TrinityCore/
git pull origin master

Now return to the compilation-section again, and repeat the instructions there.
Installing libMPQ (MoPaQ) MPQ-reader library

Installation of the libMPQ library is only required if you want to extract the datafiles, and/or compile the tools.
Do note that the library has been hardlinked to the binary in later revisions, and is not "enforced" unless the tools are required.
Configuring, compiling and installing libMPQ

IMPORTANT : If you are the owner of the machine, and at this stage want the MPQ-library to be available for other users on your Linux-machine (and also making it easier for yourself at later stages), please follow alternative 2

Change directory to ~/TrinityCore/dep/libmpq/ before doing this
Alternative 1 : Local installation

sh ./
./configure --prefix=/home/<username>/.sys/
make install

Again, replace <username> with the username you chose when creating the account.
Merci pour votre aide, c'est vrai que le tuto trinity est bien plus clair par rapport à mangos. Hihi
Mais j'ai un petit soucis configure: error: *** BZ2_bzDecompressInit is required, install bzip2 library files
J'ai bien apt-get install bzip2, je comprends pas pourquoi sa fais sa Erf
Il dois te manquer certaines librairies.

As-tu installé tous les paquets requis ?

Code :
apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool gcc g++ make cmake git-core patch wget links zip unzip unrar
apt-get install openssl libssl-dev mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev libmysql++-dev libreadline5-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev

Essayes-ça et retente de compiler Clin
Code :
apt-get install bzip2
Je crois qu'il l'a déjà fait Clin
Ne crois pas comme le crapaud ! Soit sur comme ... ! Smile ^ ---> [- ]
Dedibox:/home/Monserv/server/build# cmake -DPREFIX=/home/Monserv/mangos/build/
-- The C compiler identification is GNU
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:33 (message):
This project requires an out of source build. Remove the file
'CMakeCache.txt' found in this directory before continuing, create a
separate build directory and run 'cmake <srcs> [options]' from there.

Ya bien le CMakeCache.txt et c'est bien un dossier build

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