Voici les ExtendedCosts de WoW en version 2.4.3 :

Source : WoWRessource

Liste des ExtendedCosts :

Code :
HP  =   Honor points
AP  =   Arena points
M   =   Marks of Honor
TM  =   Thrallmar
HH  =   Honor Hold
HB/HA=  Halaa Battle
HR  =   Halaa research
Ss  =   Spirit Shards
Gc  =   Glowcaps
AB  =   Arathi Basin
AV  =   Alterac Valley
WSG =   Warsong Gulch
EOTS=   Eye Of The Storm
BoJ =   Badge of Justice
HD  =   Holy Dust
AR  =   Arcane Rune
AS  =   Apexis Shard
AC  =   Apexis Crystal
G   =   gold
S   =   silver
C   =   Copper
BT  =   Brew Fest tokens
SM  =   Sunmote
BB  =   Burning blossom
BL  =   Borean Leather
EC  =   Ethereal credit
WC  =   Winterfin Clam
JT  =   Jewelcrafting tokens
OR  =   Oshu'gun Relic
CA  =   Cooking award
SKS =   Stone keeper's shard
RU  =   Relic of Ulduar
EH  =   Emblem of heroism
NR  =   Necrotic rune
EV  =   Emblem of valor
DS  =   Dream shard
HBL =   heavy borean leather
AF  =   Arctic Fur

ID  /  Détails
5   = 40     Ha Battle tokens  +  2    Ha Research Tokens
6   = 20     Ha Battle tokens  +  1    Ha Research Tokens
7   = 8      Ha Research tokens
18  = 100    Ha Battle tokens
21  = 978    AP
22  = 1630   AP
24  = 1304   AP
26  = 3261   AP
53  = 5      HH M
54  = 5      TM M
55  = 10     TM M
56  = 10     HH M
65  = 15     TM M
66  = 1      HP + 1   AP
69  = 15     HH M
76  = 30     TM M
77  = 30     HH M
94  = 19125  HP
95  = 6885   HP
98  = 22950  HP
99  = 8500   HP
100 = 1      Gc
102 = 2      Gc
103 = 25     Gc
104 = 15     Gc
115 = 16983  HP
125 = 22950  HP + 10 EOTS M
127 = 15300  HP + 10 EOTS M
129 = 11934  HP + 10 AV   M
131 = 30600  HP + 40 AV   M
133 = 2283   AP
146 = 870    AP
148 = 2739   AP
165 = 9435   HP + 20 AB   M
169 = 9435   HP + 20 WSG  M
170 = 9435   HP
171 = 14280  HP + 40 EOTS M
172 = 14280  HP + 40 AB   M
173 = 12750  HP
194 = 18     Ss
201 = 16524  HP + 30 AB   M
202 = 10098  HP + 20 AV   M
204 = 16605  HP + 30 WSG  M
205 = 10098  HP + 20 AB   M
293 = 50     Ss
298 = 8      Ss
348 = 15300  HP + 20 EOTS M
359 = 20400  HP
360 = 20400  HP + 20 AV   M
386 = 15300  HP
388 = 30     Gc
423 = 30     WSG /AB /AV  M
427 = 2805   HP + 20 AB   M
428 = 2805   HP + 20 AV   M
444 = 4335   HP + 30 AV   M
463 = 13770  HP + 30 AV   M
464 = 13005  HP + 30 AV   M
465 = 8415   HP + 20 AB   M
488 = 4590   HP + 20 WSG  M
489 = 4590   HP + 25 AV   M
490 = 10200  HP + 40 WSG  M
491 = 1530   HP + 20 WSG  M
492 = 1530   HP + 10 WSG  M
495 = 4590   HP + 20 AB   M
496 = 2380   HP + 10 AV   M
497 = 2720   HP + 15 AV   M
501 = 8415   HP + 40 AB   M
520 = 2805   HP + 30 AB   M
532 = 1503   HP + 10 AV   M
533 = 1503   HP + 20 AV   M
541 = 8415   HP + 20 AV   M
542 = 13005  HP + 30 WSG  M
565 = 15300  HP + 20 AB   M
567 = 15300  HP + 40 AB   M
634 = 2805   HP
652 = 4390   HP + 30 AB   M
653 = 4335   HP + 30 WSG  M
701 = 10200  HP + 30 WSG  M
702 = 4760   HP + 20 AV   M
746 = 8160   HP + 40 AB   M
747 = 5100   HP + 30 WSG  M
748 = 8925   HP + 40 WSG  M
774 = 1530   HP + 10 AB   M
821 = 428    HP + 40 WSG  M
822 = 65     HP + 20 WSG  M
823 = 65     HP + 10 WSG  M
826 = 214    HP + 30 WSG  M
837 = 632    HP + 40 WSG  M
838 = 95     HP + 20 WSG  M
841 = 175    HP + 20 AB   M
855 = 175    HP + 30 AB   M
871 = 316    HP + 30 WSG  M
883 = 938    HP + 40 WSG  M
884 = 141    HP + 20 WSG  M
885 = 141    HP + 10 WSG  M
887 = 258    HP + 20 AB   M
901 = 258    HP + 30 AB   M
917 = 469    HP + 30 WSG  M
929 = 1387   HP + 40 WSG  M
930 = 208    HP + 20 WSG  M
931 = 208    HP + 10 WSG  M
933 = 382    HP + 20 AB   M
947 = 382    HP + 30 WSG  M
968 = 694    HP + 30 WSG  M
986 = 208    HP + 10 AB   M
989 = 422    HP + 20 WSG  M
990 = 624    HP + 20 WSG  M
1000= 60     AB  M
1002= 30     AV  M
1003= 60     AV  M
1005= 50     AV  M
1006= 20     WSG /AB /AV  M
1007= 3      AB  M + 3   WSG M
1009= 60     WSG M
1015= 25     BoJ
1027= 41     BoJ
1037= 33     BoJ
1040= 50     BoJ
1050= 95     HP + 10 AB   M
1054= 258    HP + 30 WSG  M
1055= 118    HP + 30 WSG  M
1061= 20     AB   M
1062= 20     AV   M
1076= 20     Gc
1077= 45     Gc
1110= 30     AB   M
1111= 30     WSG  M
1184= 2      HD
1188= 8      HD
1192= 2      AR
1196= 8      AR
1200= 1      Chest Fallen Champion Token ***(T4 Tokens)***
1203= 1      Gloves  ||      ||     ||
1206= 1      Helm    ||      ||     ||
1209= 1      Legs    ||      ||     ||
1212= 1      Shoulder||      ||     ||
1215= 1      Chest Fallen Hero Token
1216= 1      Gloves  ||    ||    ||
1217= 1      Helm    ||    ||    ||
1218= 1      Legs    ||    ||    ||
1219= 1      Shoulder||    ||    ||
1235= 1      Chest Fallen Defender Token
1237= 1      Gloves  ||      ||      ||
1239= 1      Helm    ||      ||      ||
1241= 1      Legs    ||      ||      ||
1243= 1      Shoulder||      ||      ||
1332= 1      Chest Vanquished Defender Token ***(T5 Tokens)***
1233= 1      Gloves    ||        ||      ||
1234= 1      Helm      ||        ||      ||
1235= 1      Legs      ||        ||      ||
1236= 1      Shoulder  ||        ||      ||
1242= 1      Chest Vanquished Champion Token
1243= 1      Gloves    ||        ||      ||
1244= 1      Helm      ||        ||      ||
1245= 1      Legs      ||        ||      ||
1246= 1      Shoulder  ||        ||      ||
1257= 1      Chest Vanquished Hero Token
1258= 1      Gloves    ||      ||    ||
1259= 1      Helm      ||      ||    ||
1260= 1      Legs      ||      ||    ||
1261= 1      Shoulder  ||      ||    ||
1431= 1875   AP
1432= 1432   AP
1435= 1500   AP
1442= 7905   HP + 60 WSG   M
1452= 20     BoJ
1454= 30     BoJ
1468= 8160   HP + 60 AV    M
1474= 1      Gloves Forgotten Protector Token ***(T6 Tokens)***
1476= 1      Helm       ||       ||       ||
1478= 1      Chest      ||       ||       ||
1480= 1      Legs       ||       ||       ||
1482= 1      Shoulder   ||       ||       ||
1485= 1      Gloves Forgotten Conquerer Token
1488= 1      Helm       ||       ||       ||
1491= 1      Chest      ||       ||       ||
1494= 1      Legs       ||       ||       ||
1497= 1      Shoulder   ||       ||       ||
1520= 1      Gloves Forgotten Vanquisher Token
1521= 1      Helm       ||       ||        ||
1522= 1      Chest      ||       ||        ||
1523= 1      Legs       ||       ||        ||
1524= 1      Shoulder   ||       ||        ||
1564= 8      HP
1565= 5      HP
1642= 15     BoJ
1645= 1      Silken Thread
1646= 100    Ha Battle Tokens + 20 Ha Research Tokens
1647= 70     Ha Battle Tokens + 15 Ha Research Tokens
1648= 2      AB   M
1649= 2      AV   M
1652= 2      EOTS M
1653= 2      WSG  M
1664= 3750   AP
1670= 2625   AP
1757= 3150   AP
1758= 1000   AP
1765= 2      Ha Research Tokens
1909= 10     BoJ
1910= 35     AS
1923= 17850  HP + 40 AB   M
1935= 11794  HP + 20 WSG  M
1948= 3      AS
1949= 2      AS
1950= 4      AC + 100 AS
1952= 1      AC + 50  AS
1958= 10     AS
1959= 1      Mark Of The Illidari
1963= 1      Coilfang Armament
1973= 40     AS
1979= 160    AS
1981= 4      AC
1985= 3      AC
1992= 2      Ss
1994= 10     Gc
2028= 15300  AP + 10 AV   M
2049= 75     Boj
2059= 60     Boj
2060= 35     Boj

2236= 4      HR
2237= 27000  HP + 40 AV   M
2238= 25200  HP + 20 EotS M
2239= 18000  HP + 20 EotS M
2240= 9000   HP + 20 EotS M
2241= 8000   HP + 10 EotS M
2242= 15000  HP + 20 EotS M
2248= 11934  HP + 10 EotS M
2249= 11424  HP + 40 AB   M
2250= 11424  HP + 40 EotS M
2251= 7548   HP + 20 Wsg  M
2252= 9547   HP + 10 EotS M
2253= 9547   HP + 10 AV   M
2254= 19125  HP + 20 EotS M
2255= 12240  HP + 20 EotS M
2256= 38250  HP + 40 AV   M
2257= 24480  HP + 40 AV   M
2258= 20655  HP + 30 AB   M
2259= 13219  HP + 30 AB   M
2260= 12622  HP + 20 AV   M
2261= 8078   HP + 20 AV   M
2262= 20081  HP + 30 AV   M
2263= 12852  HP + 30 AV   M
2264= 20081  HP + 30 Wsg  M
2265= 12852  HP + 30 Wsg  M
2266= 12622  HP + 20 AB   M
2267= 8078   HP + 20 AB   M
2268= 11794  HP + 20 AB   M
2269= 7548   HP + 20 AB   M
2270= 25500  HP + 40 AV   M
2271= 16320  HP + 40 AV   M
2272= 50     As
2273= 600    BT
2274= 50     BT
2275= 100    BT
2276= 200    BT
2277= 10500  HP + 20 AV   M
2278= 11250  HP + 20 AB   M
2279= 14500  HP + 30 AB   M
2280= 14500  HP + 30 AV   M
2281= 14500  HP + 30 Wsg  M
2282= 3750   AP
2283= 1125   AP
2284= 3150   AP
2285= 1875   AP
2286= 1125   AP
2287= 2625   AP
2288= 1500   AP
2289= 30000  HP + 40 AV   M
2290= 19125  HP + 20 AB   M
2291= 12240  HP + 20 AB   M
2292= felfury legplates + 1 SM
2293= Legplates of the Holy Juggernaut + 1 SM
2294= chain links of the tumultuous storm + 1 SM
2295= breeches of natural aggression + 1 SM
2296= legging of the immortal night + 1 SM
2297= pantaloons of calming strife + 1 SM
2298= pauldrons of perseverance + 1 SM
2299= spaulders of the thalassian savior + 1 SM
2300= equilibrium epaulets + 1 SM
2301= spaulders of reclamation + 1 SM
2302= shoulderpads of vehemence + 1 SM
2303= shawl of wonderment + 1 SM
2304= warharness of reckless fury + 1 SM
2305= heroic judicator's chestguard + 1 SM
2306= garments of serene shores + 1 SM
2307= harness of carnal instinct + 1 SM
2308= sunglow vest + 1 SM
2309= robes of faltered light + 1 SM
2310= crown of anasterian + 1 SM
2311= helm of buring righteousness + 1 SM
2312= cowl of gul'dan + 1 SM
2313= cover of ursol of wise + 1 SM
2314= duplicitous guise + 1 SM
2315= cowl of light's purity + 1 SM
2316= handguards of the dawn + 1 SM
2317= tranquil majesty wraps + 1 SM
2318= shadowed gauntlets of paroxysm + 1 SM
2319= gauntlets of the ancient shadowmoon + 1 SM
2320= Bracers of the forgotten conqueror
2321= "                       "vanquisher
2322= belt of forgotten protector
2323= bracers of the forgotten protector
2324= belt of the forgotten conqueror
2325= belt of the forgotten vanquisher
2326= boots of the forgotten conqueror
2327= boots of the forgotten protector
2329= 150    Boj
2328= 125    Boj
2330= 105    " "
2331= 45     " "
2332= 100    " "
2334= 1875   AP
2335= 1125   AP
2336= 1875   AP
2337= 1875   AP
2338= 1125   AP
2339= 1000   AP  
2340= 2250   AP
2341= 1110   AP
2342= 1125   AP
2343= 675    AP
2344= 1575   AP
2345= 675    AP
2346= 1125   AP
2347= 40     Boj
2348= 2      BB
2349= 5      BB
2350= 20     BB
2351= 100    BB
2352= 200    BB
2353= 350    BB
2354= 1      HP
2355= 1      BL
2356= 650    AP
2357= 650    AP
2358= 1304   AP
2359= 1500   AP
2360= 3750   AP
2361= 3150   AP
2362= 2625   AP
2363= 1125   AP
2364= 1875   AP
2365= 1875   AP
2366= 1875   AP
2367= 2250   AP
2368= 1110   AP
2369= 1575   AP
2370= 1575   ""
2371= 675    ""
2372= 1125   ""
2373= 1304   ""
2374= 600    ""
2375= 650    ""
2376= 4      BL
2377= 3000   AP
2378= 2520   ""
2379= 900    ""
3240= 800    ""
2381= 2100   ""
2382= 900    ""
2383= 1500   ""
2384= 1200   ""
2385= 2520   ""
2386= 3000   ""
2387= 900    ""
2388= 800    ""
2389= 2100   ""
2390= 900    ""
2391= 1500   ""
2392= 1200   ""
2393= 650    ""
2394= team rank only
2395= "             "
2396= "             "
2397= 200    BT
2398= 2      BT
2399= 20     BT
2400= 17850  HP + 40 EotS M
2401= 11794  HP + 20 Wsg  M
2402= 15300  HP + 10 AV   M
2403= 40000  HP
2404= 8000   HP
2405= 9199   HP + 20 Wsg  M
2406= 13923  HP + 40 EotS M
2407= 500    Ec
2408= 100    Ec
2409= 250    Ec
2410= 1000   Ec
2411= 50     Ec
2412= 25     Ec
2413= 1      WC
2414= 50     ""
2415= 30     ""
2416= 5      ""
2417= 20     ""
2418= 100    ""
2419= 60     ""
2420= free
2421= free
2422= free
2423= 800    AP
2424= 5      BT
2425= 9500   HP + 10 AV   M
2426= 1250   HP
2427= 35000  HP + 40 AV   M
2428= 20000  HP + 20 AB   M
2429= 3      JT
2430= 5      JT
2431= 250    AP
2432= 400    AP
2433= 1      JT
2434= 2      JT
2435= 1/1/1  AV/AB/EotS
2436= 4      JT
2437= 100    OR
2438= 24000  HP + 700 AP
2439= 575    AP + 20000 HP
2440= 12000  HP + 350 AP
2441= 7200   HP + 200 AP
2442= 16800  HP + 475 AP
2443= 7200   HP + 200 AP
2444= 6400   HP + 175 AP
2445= 9600   HP + 275 AP
2446= 24800  HP
2447= 15800  HP
2448= 19000  HP
2449= 24000  HP + 1400 AP
2450= 20000  HP + 1150 AP
2451= 12000  HP + 700  AP
2452= 7200   HP + 400  AP
2453= 12000  HP + 700  AP
2454= 12000  HP + 700  AP
2455= 16800  HP + 950  AP
2456= 7200   HP + 400  AP
2457= 6400   HP + 350  AP
2458= 12000  HP + 700  AP
2459= 9600   HP + 550  AP
2460= 4500   AP
2461= 3750   AP
2462= 2250   AP
2463= 1350   AP
2464= 2250   AP
2465= 2250   AP
2466= 3150   AP
2467= 1350   AP
2468= 1200   AP
2469= 2250   AP
2470= 1800   AP
2471= 31000  HP
2472= 31000  HP
2473= 19700  HP
2474= 23700  HP
2475= 23700  HP
2476= 23700  HP
2477= 31000  HP
2478= 3      CA
2479= 5      CA
2480= 1      CA
2481= 12     SKS
2482= 24     SKS
2483= 12     HP
2484= 10     EH
2485= chestguard of the lost vanquidher
2486= gloves of the lost vanquisher
2487= helm of the lost vanquisher
2488= leggings of the lost vanquisher
2489= spaulders of the lost vanquisher
2490= helm of the lost conqueror
2491= chestguard of the lost conqueror
2492= leggings of the lost conqueror
2493= spaulders of the lost conqueror
2494= gloves of the lost conqueror
2495= chestguard of the lost protector
2496= gloves of the lost protector
2497= helm of the lost protector
2498= leggings of the lost protector
2499= spaulders of the lost protector
2500= 10     RU
2501= 2      RU
2502= 10     RU
2503= gauntlets of the lost conqueror
2504= breastplate of the lost conqueror
2505= crown of the lost conqueror
2506= legplates of the lost conqueror
2507= mantle fo the lost conqueror
2508= breastplate of the lost protector
2509= crown of the lost protector
2510= gauntlets of the lost protector
2511= legplates of the lost protector
2512= mantle of the lost protector
2513= breastplate of the lost vanquisher
2514= crown of the lost canquisher
2515= gauntlets of the lost vanquisher
2516= legplates of the lsot vanquisher
2517= mantle of the lost vanquisher
2518= 15  NR
2519= 20  NR
2520= 8   NR
2521= 30  NR
2522= 40  NR
2523= 25  EH
2524= 40  EH
2525= 15  EH
2526= 60  EH
2527= 75  EH
2528= 45  EH
2529= 30  EH
2530= 100 EH
2531= 35  EH
2532= 50  EH
2533= 80  EH
2534= 25  EV
2535= 60  EV
2536= 40  EV
2537= 60  EV
2538= 75  EV
2539= 45  EV
2540= 30  EV
2541= 10  CA
2542= 200 SKS
2543= 325 SKS
2544= 250 SKS
2545= 20  SKS
2546= 30  SKS
2547= 100 SKS
2548= 40  SKS
2549= 15  SKS
2550= 200 EH
2551= 65  EH
2552= 300 SKS
2553= 4   DS
2554= 10  DS
2555= 3   HBL
2556= 2   AF
2557= 2500 HP
2558= 6    DT
2559= 49600 HP
2560= 31600 HP
2561= 38000 HP
2562= 62000 HP
2563= 62000 HP
2564= 39400 HP
2565= 47400 HP
2566= 47400 HP
2567= 47400 HP
2568= 62000 HP
2569= 60000 HP
2570= 50000 HP

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