Emote "/e "

Je vous partage le FIX pour que les emote en fonction " /e " fonctionne correctement.

( Source : http://www.projectskyfire.org/index.php/...motes-fix/ )

(en build ) :

Le code suivant vous l'avez :

Code :
else if (type == CHAT_MSG_DND)
        std::string msg;
        recv_data >> msg;

        if (msg.empty() || !_player->isDND())
            if (!_player->isDND())
                if (msg.empty())
                    msg  = GetSkyFireString(LANG_PLAYER_DND_DEFAULT);
                _player->dndMsg = msg;

            sScriptMgr->OnPlayerChat(_player, type, LANG_UNIVERSAL, msg);

            if (_player->isDND() && _player->isAFK())

Rajouté ici :

Code :
else if (type != CHAT_MSG_EMOTE) {

Puis vous avez normalement ça en dessous :

Code :
recv_data >> lang;

    if (type >= MAX_CHAT_MSG_TYPE)
        sLog->outError("CHAT: Wrong message type received: %u", type);

    //sLog->outDebug("CHAT: packet received. type %u, lang %u", type, lang);

    // prevent talking at unknown language (cheating)
    LanguageDesc const* langDesc = GetLanguageDescByID(lang);
    if (!langDesc)
    if (langDesc->skill_id != 0 && !_player->HasSkill(langDesc->skill_id))
        // also check SPELL_AURA_COMPREHEND_LANGUAGE (client offers option to speak in that language)
        Unit::AuraEffectList const& langAuras = _player->GetAuraEffectsByType(SPELL_AURA_COMPREHEND_LANGUAGE);
        bool foundAura = false;
        for (Unit::AuraEffectList::const_iterator i = langAuras.begin(); i != langAuras.end(); ++i)
            if ((*i)->GetMiscValue() == int32(lang))
                foundAura = true;
        if (!foundAura)

    if (lang == LANG_ADDON)
        if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_CHATLOG_ADDON))
            std::string msg = "";
            recv_data >> msg;

            if (msg.empty())

            sScriptMgr->OnPlayerChat(GetPlayer(), CHAT_MSG_ADDON, lang, msg);

        // Disabled addon channel?
        if (!sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ADDON_CHANNEL))
    // LANG_ADDON should not be changed nor be affected by flood control
        // send in universal language if player in .gmon mode (ignore spell effects)
        if (_player->isGameMaster())
            lang = LANG_UNIVERSAL;
            // send in universal language in two side iteration allowed mode
            if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_CHAT))
                lang = LANG_UNIVERSAL;
                    case CHAT_MSG_PARTY:
                    case CHAT_MSG_PARTY_LEADER:
                    case CHAT_MSG_RAID:
                    case CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER:
                    case CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING:
                        // allow two side chat at group channel if two side group allowed
                        if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_GROUP))
                            lang = LANG_UNIVERSAL;
                    case CHAT_MSG_GUILD:
                    case CHAT_MSG_OFFICER:
                        // allow two side chat at guild channel if two side guild allowed
                        if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_GUILD))
                            lang = LANG_UNIVERSAL;

            // but overwrite it by SPELL_AURA_MOD_LANGUAGE auras (only single case used)
            Unit::AuraEffectList const& ModLangAuras = _player->GetAuraEffectsByType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_LANGUAGE);
            if (!ModLangAuras.empty())
                lang = ModLangAuras.front()->GetMiscValue();

        if (!_player->CanSpeak())
            std::string timeStr = secsToTimeString(m_muteTime - time(NULL));
            SendNotification(GetSkyFireString(LANG_WAIT_BEFORE_SPEA​KING), timeStr.c_str());

        if (type != CHAT_MSG_AFK && type != CHAT_MSG_DND)

    if (GetPlayer()->HasAura(1852) && type != CHAT_MSG_WHISPER)
        std::string msg="";
        recv_data >> msg;

        SendNotification(GetSkyFireString(LANG_GM_SILENCE), GetPlayer()->GetName());

Et enfin pour terminé :

Code :

Bonne journée Smile
Déplacé dans la bonne section, merci Gg

Merci pour le déplacement et désolé Smile

Bonne journée
Merci du partage, cependant dommage que ce soit un peu un hackpatch Triste
Ca serait bien d'avoir un diff.

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