probleme fonction qui envoie un item réedition code complet.
Bonjour voila je suis sur un patch d'un pnj qui envoie un item a un joueur, le script suivant fonctionne sauf que au bout de 2 ou 3 fois mangos crash jai beau regarder dans tous les sens je ne voie pas ou c, je c que sa se passe au moment de l'envoie de l'item parfois sa crash tout de suite et parfois je recois l'item et sa crash juste quand le pnj menvoie le message qui dit que je nai aps assez de points sa me fait pareil sa mrche deux ou trois fois et sa crash

Code :
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "../../../../shared/Config/Config.h"
#include "../../Config.h"
#include "../../../../game/Language.h"
#include "../../../../shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.h" //Wasn't entirely sure if I needed this one so added it just in case
extern DatabaseMysql SD2Database;

bool GossipHello_VoteVendorNPC(Player *player, Creature *_Creature)
    Config SD2Config;
    if(!SD2Config.SetSource(_SCRIPTDEV2_CONFIG)) //Check if scriptdev2.conf exists
        error_log("SD2: Unable to open configuration file");

    if(SD2Config.GetBoolDefault("VoteVendorNPC.OnlyGMs", false)) // If VoteVendor.OnlyGMs is enabled in scriptdev2.conf
        if(player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() == SEC_PLAYER)
            _Creature->MonsterWhisper("Sorry, I'm only availible to Game Masters.", player);
            return true;

    //Some examples of what can be done:
    player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "Trade Vote Points for Vote Coins"                    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 1000);
    player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "10 Gold - 20 Vote Coins"                            , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 2000);
    if(player->getLevel() < 80) //We don't want players to level above 80 :)
        player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "1 Level up - 40 Vote Coins"                    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 3000);
    player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "36 Slot bag - 25 Vote Coins"                        , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 4000);
    player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 7, "1 item [call GM before paying!] - 60 Vote Coins"    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 5000);


    return true;

void SendDefaultMenu_VoteVendorNPC(Player *player, Creature *_Creature, uint32 action)
    QueryResult *result;
    //This query is just an example. I suggest using the account table in the realmd database to store the users
    //vote points. It makes it easier to get the account that belongs to the user ingame.
    result = SD2Database.PQuery("SELECT votepoints FROM account WHERE id = '%u'", player->GetSession()->GetAccountId());
    Field *Fields = result->Fetch();
    Item* item;
    ItemPosCountVec dest;
    uint32 noSpaceForCount = 0;
    uint32 itemId = 0; //Change 0 to whichever item id your Vote Coins have (do this everywhere in the script where it says //change 0)
    int32 count = Fields[0].GetUInt32(); //Get x Vote Points from database
    uint8 msg = player->CanStoreNewItem( NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, itemId, count, &noSpaceForCount );

    //When we're going to use multiple item rewards, so we need more variables etc etc
    ItemPosCountVec dest2;
    uint32 itemId2 = 23162;
    int32 count2 = 1;
    uint8 msg2 = player->CanStoreNewItem( NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest2, itemId2, count2, &noSpaceForCount );

    // Disable npc if in combat
        _Creature->MonsterSay("You are in combat!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

        case 6000: //Back to Main Menu
            player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "Trade Vote Points for Vote Coins"                    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 1000);
            player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "10 Gold - 20 Vote Coins"                            , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 2000);
            if(player->getLevel() < 80) //We don't want players to level above 80 :)
                player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "1 Level up - 40 Vote Coins"                    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 3000);
            player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "36 Slot bag - 25 Vote Coins"                        , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 4000);
            player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 7, "1 item [call GM before paying!] - 60 Vote Coins"    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 5000);


        case 1000: //Trade Vote Points for Vote Coins
                if( msg2 != EQUIP_ERR_OK ) // convert to possible store amount
                    count2 -= noSpaceForCount;

                if( count2 == 0 || dest.empty()) // If the player doesn't have any vote points
                    _Creature->MonsterSay("You don't have any vote points!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);
                item = player->StoreNewItem( dest, itemId, true, Item::GenerateItemRandomPropertyId(itemId));

                if (count2 > 0 && item)
                    //Ofcorse we reset the players Vote Points to 0 in database
                    SD2Database.PExecute("UPDATE account SET vote_points = '0' WHERE id = '%u'", player->GetSession()->GetAccountId());
                    _Creature->MonsterWhisper("Vote Points reset to 0", player);
                if(noSpaceForCount > 0)
                    _Creature->MonsterWhisper("Unable to create item", player);
            else //Just in case something went wrong with the first query
                _Creature->MonsterSay("Error: Problem with database data. Please inform a GM about this error.", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

        case 2000: //10 Gold - 20 Vote Coins
            if(player->HasItemCount(24245, 20)) //change 0
                player->DestroyItemCount(24245, 20, true); //change 0
                _Creature->MonsterWhisper("You received 10 Gold", player);
                _Creature->MonsterSay("You don't have enough Vote Coins to purchase that reward!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

        case 3000: //1 Level up - 40 Vote Coins
            if(player->HasItemCount(24245, 40)) //change 0
                player->DestroyItemCount(24245, 40, true); //change 0
                player->GiveLevel(player->getLevel() + 1);
                _Creature->MonsterWhisper("You received 1 level up", player);
                _Creature->MonsterSay("You don't have enough Vote Coins to purchase that reward!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

        case 4000: //36 Slot bag - 25 Vote Coins

                if( msg2 != EQUIP_ERR_OK ) // convert to possible store amount
                    count2 -= noSpaceForCount;

                if( count2 == 0 || dest.empty()) // If count2 is set 0 for some reason
                    _Creature->MonsterWhisper("Error: Item count set to 0. Please inform a GM about this error.", player);

                item = player->StoreNewItem( dest2, itemId2, true, Item::GenerateItemRandomPropertyId(itemId2));

                if(count2 > 0 && item)

                if(noSpaceForCount > 0)
                    _Creature->MonsterWhisper("Unable to create item", player);
                _Creature->MonsterSay("You don't have enough Vote Coins to purchase that reward!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

        case 5000: //1 item [call GM before paying!] - 60 Vote Coins
            player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "A GM is with me, pay now"                        , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 5001);
            player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "There is no GM with me, return to Main menu"    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 6000);

        case 5001:
            if(player->HasItemCount(60004, 60))
                player->DestroyItemCount(60004, 60, true);
                _Creature->MonsterSay("I just received 60 Vote Coins for a Green or Blue item", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);
                _Creature->MonsterSay("You don't have enough Vote Coins to purchase that reward!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);
    } //End switch
} //End function

bool GossipSelect_VoteVendorNPC(Player *player, Creature *_Creature, uint32 sender, uint32 action)
    // Main menu
    if (sender == GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN)
    SendDefaultMenu_VoteVendorNPC( player, _Creature, action );

return true;

void AddSC_votevendornpc()
    Script *newscript;

    newscript = new Script;
    newscript->Name = "votevendornpc";
    newscript->pGossipHello = &GossipHello_VoteVendorNPC;
    newscript->pGossipSelect = &GossipSelect_VoteVendorNPC;

[Image: sans titre.png]
ce crash nest pas du au pnj mais il est identiques sa maffiche les meme truc au moment du crash.

Comme j'ai dit sa bug a l'envoie de l'item lorsque mangos crach sa reste sur les ligne ou sa envoie l' quand le pnj menvoie le message qui dit que je nai aps assez de points sa me fait pareil sa mrche deux ou trois fois et sa crash

Si quelqu'un peut me renseigner merci bien.
j'ai essayer pas mal de chose repris du code dans le fichier level3.cpp quand un gm envoie l'items enfin jai essayer pas mal de solution et rien

Cordialement Toxic Ninja
Script complet non posté ... ensuite que dit le crash log ?
Toujours personne a une idée par hasard de l'erreure jai encore réessayer mais rien a faire une fois que jai recue deux ou trois items sa bug.
faudrait tester que player est non vide, sinon essaie de compiler en mode debug et de lancer avec le debugueur de VS.
Explique toi jai jamais proceder a un debug via vs peut tu meclairer merci.
en faite je pense que le slot nest pas save et le pnj lenvoie sur ce meme slot je pense je c pas je cherche une fonction qui verifie si le slot est vide ou non quelqu'un connait?
serieux tu connais pas le debug mode?
ba non desoler ya un debut a tous c pas grave je need pu specialement daide jai laisser tomber ce patch

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