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Structure du fichier Spell.dbc Outils du sujet Activer le mode LinéaireActiver le mode HybrideActiver le mode Arborescent
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Avatar de Xml Le Lama
Membre Premium
590 Posts, 613 points
Ancien09/05/2011, 17h16
Voici la structure de Spell.dbc, ce fichier permet de modifier/ajouter des sorts mais est très compliqué à éditer à cause de sa taille, des nombreux champs et des valeurs à insérer qui sont plus ou moins connues.
Pour ceux que ça intéresse, les infos de ce fichier, fournis par MaNGOS :
Code :
uint32 Id; // 0 m_ID
uint32 Category; // 1 m_category
uint32 Dispel; // 2 m_dispelType
uint32 Mechanic; // 3 m_mechanic
uint32 Attributes; // 4 m_attribute
uint32 AttributesEx; // 5 m_attributesEx
uint32 AttributesEx2; // 6 m_attributesExB
uint32 AttributesEx3; // 7 m_attributesExC
uint32 AttributesEx4; // 8 m_attributesExD
uint32 AttributesEx5; // 9 m_attributesExE
uint32 AttributesEx6; // 10 m_attributesExF
uint32 AttributesEx7; // 11 m_attributesExG
uint32 Stances; // 12 m_shapeshiftMask
uint32 unk_320_1; // 13 3.2.0
uint32 StancesNot; // 14 m_shapeshiftExclude
int32 unk_320_2; // 15 3.2.0
uint32 Targets; // 16 m_targets
uint32 TargetCreatureType; // 17 m_targetCreatureType
uint32 RequiresSpellFocus; // 18 m_requiresSpellFocus
uint32 FacingCasterFlags; // 19 m_facingCasterFlags
uint32 CasterAuraState; // 20 m_casterAuraState
uint32 TargetAuraState; // 21 m_targetAuraState
uint32 CasterAuraStateNot; // 22 m_excludeCasterAuraState
uint32 TargetAuraStateNot; // 23 m_excludeTargetAuraState
uint32 casterAuraSpell; // 24 m_casterAuraSpell
uint32 targetAuraSpell; // 25 m_targetAuraSpell
uint32 excludeCasterAuraSpell; // 26 m_excludeCasterAuraSpell
uint32 excludeTargetAuraSpell; // 27 m_excludeTargetAuraSpell
uint32 CastingTimeIndex; // 28 m_castingTimeIndex
uint32 RecoveryTime; // 29 m_recoveryTime
uint32 CategoryRecoveryTime; // 30 m_categoryRecoveryTime
uint32 InterruptFlags; // 31 m_interruptFlags
uint32 AuraInterruptFlags; // 32 m_auraInterruptFlags
uint32 ChannelInterruptFlags; // 33 m_channelInterruptFlags
uint32 procFlags; // 34 m_procTypeMask
uint32 procChance; // 35 m_procChance
uint32 procCharges; // 36 m_procCharges
uint32 maxLevel; // 37 m_maxLevel
uint32 baseLevel; // 38 m_baseLevel
uint32 spellLevel; // 39 m_spellLevel
uint32 DurationIndex; // 40 m_durationIndex
uint32 powerType; // 41 m_powerType
uint32 manaCost; // 42 m_manaCost
uint32 manaCostPerlevel; // 43 m_manaCostPerLevel
uint32 manaPerSecond; // 44 m_manaPerSecond
uint32 manaPerSecondPerLevel; // 45 m_manaPerSecondPerLevel
uint32 rangeIndex; // 46 m_rangeIndex
float speed; // 47 m_speed
int32 modalNextSpell; // 48 m_modalNextSpell not used
uint32 StackAmount; // 49 m_cumulativeAura
uint32 Totem[MAX_SPELL_TOTEMS]; // 50-51 m_totem
int32 Reagent[MAX_SPELL_REAGENTS]; // 52-59 m_reagent
uint32 ReagentCount[MAX_SPELL_REAGENTS]; // 60-67 m_reagentCount
int32 EquippedItemClass; // 68 m_equippedItemClass (value)
int32 EquippedItemSubClassMask; // 69 m_equippedItemSubclass (mask)
int32 EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask; // 70 m_equippedItemInvTypes (mask)
uint32 Effect[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 71-73 m_effect
int32 EffectDieSides[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 74-76 m_effectDieSides
float EffectRealPointsPerLevel[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 77-79 m_effectRealPointsPerLevel
int32 EffectBasePoints[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 80-82 m_effectBasePoints
uint32 EffectMechanic[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 83-85 m_effectMechanic
uint32 EffectImplicitTargetA[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 86-88 m_implicitTargetA
uint32 EffectImplicitTargetB[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 89-91 m_implicitTargetB
uint32 EffectRadiusIndex[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 92-94 m_effectRadiusIndex - spellradius.dbc
uint32 EffectApplyAuraName[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 95-97 m_effectAura
uint32 EffectAmplitude[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 98-100 m_effectAuraPeriod
float EffectMultipleValue[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 101-103 m_effectAmplitude
uint32 EffectChainTarget[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 104-106 m_effectChainTargets
uint32 EffectItemType[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 107-109 m_effectItemType
int32 EffectMiscValue[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 110-112 m_effectMiscValue
int32 EffectMiscValueB[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 113-115 m_effectMiscValueB
uint32 EffectTriggerSpell[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 116-118 m_effectTriggerSpell
float EffectPointsPerComboPoint[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 119-121 m_effectPointsPerCombo
uint32 EffectSpellClassMaskA[3]; // 122-124 m_effectSpellClassMaskA, effect 0
uint32 EffectSpellClassMaskB[3]; // 125-127 m_effectSpellClassMaskB, effect 1
uint32 EffectSpellClassMaskC[3]; // 128-130 m_effectSpellClassMaskC, effect 2
uint32 SpellVisual[2]; // 131-132 m_spellVisualID
uint32 SpellIconID; // 133 m_spellIconID
uint32 activeIconID; // 134 m_activeIconID
int32 spellPriority; // 135 m_spellPriority not used
char* SpellName[16]; // 136-151 m_name_lang
int32 SpellNameFlag; // 152 m_name_flag not used
char* Rank[16]; // 153-168 m_nameSubtext_lang
int32 RankFlags; // 169 m_nameSubtext_flag not used
char* Description[16]; // 170-185 m_description_lang not used
int32 DescriptionFlags; // 186 m_description_flag not used
char* ToolTip[16]; // 187-202 m_auraDescription_lang not used
int32 ToolTipFlags; // 203 m_auraDescription_flag not used
uint32 ManaCostPercentage; // 204 m_manaCostPct
uint32 StartRecoveryCategory; // 205 m_startRecoveryCategory
uint32 StartRecoveryTime; // 206 m_startRecoveryTime
uint32 MaxTargetLevel; // 207 m_maxTargetLevel
uint32 SpellFamilyName; // 208 m_spellClassSet
uint64 SpellFamilyFlags; // 209-210 m_spellClassMask NOTE: size is 12 bytes!!!
uint32 SpellFamilyFlags2; // 211 addition to m_spellClassMask
uint32 MaxAffectedTargets; // 212 m_maxTargets
uint32 DmgClass; // 213 m_defenseType
uint32 PreventionType; // 214 m_preventionType
int32 StanceBarOrder; // 215 m_stanceBarOrder not used
float DmgMultiplier[MAX_EFFECT_INDEX]; // 216-218 m_effectChainAmplitude
int32 MinFactionId; // 219 m_minFactionID not used
int32 MinReputation; // 220 m_minReputation not used
int32 RequiredAuraVision; // 221 m_requiredAuraVision not used
uint32 TotemCategory[MAX_SPELL_TOTEM_CATEGORIES]; // 222-223 m_requiredTotemCategoryID
int32 AreaGroupId; // 224 m_requiredAreasId
uint32 SchoolMask; // 225 m_schoolMask
uint32 runeCostID; // 226 m_runeCostID
int32 spellMissileID; // 227 m_spellMissileID
int32 PowerDisplayId; // 228 m_powerDisplayID (PowerDisplay.dbc)
float effectBonusCoefficient[3]; // 229-231 m_effectBonusCoefficient
int32 spellDescriptionVariableID; // 232 m_descriptionVariablesID
uint32 SpellDifficultyId; // 233 m_difficulty (SpellDifficulty.dbc)

Cordialement Xmllama

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- Cinema 4D

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